Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Challenges of Change

If we are human then chances are we have, at one time or another, resisted change. Even when change involves something we think of as positive, like a new marriage or a new baby, it means letting go of the way things used to be and that inevitably causes us some amount of grief.

In the past two weeks after worship we have talked after church about why we worship the way we do. Many of the worship practices that we would label "traditional" actually came about during the Protestant Reformation, when leaders set out to make intentional changes in the way Christians worshiped God. Of course, such changes didn't stop with the Reformation but continue even today, as churches struggle to discern whether their services should be traditional, contemporary, or emergent (or if they should conform to any such label).

Today, I am happy to announce a change at FPPC that I hope will bring mostly positive feelings to all of our members and friends: our new website is finally up and running. Check it out and please give us feedback: This is truly an important and efficient way for FPPC to gain visibility in the community and to share with others how we are living out our vision to "Grow in Spirit and Make Christ Known."

In the midst of changes at church and changes in your life, may you know the power and peace of the Holy Spirit that guides us in our journey of faith as we seek to follow Christ, who brought to earth a most remarkable change -- the living testimony that God's love is offered up, poured out for us all. Thanks be to God!

1 comment:

  1. Amy-

    I like FPPC website and vision! I'm glad to hear FPPC has internet access.

